Hello everyone, I honestly can't believe how quick this year is going as we only have 2 months left! Anyway, I thought I'd show you my October favourites this month as I haven't done one for a while and there are a few things I've been liking. There aren't so many beauty products as I've been in school all this month so I generally stick to the same routine and doing anything else requires effort which I don't have! Enjoy...
1. L'oreal nude magique foundation - I've loved this all this month and I've been wearing it constantly for the past 3 weeks as it's a nice coverage, not oily and hasn't broken me out. I won't go into too much detail as I've reviewed this which will hopefully be coming out in the next few week so if you want more info on the product then just keep checking my blog.
2. Revlon lip butter - 040 Red Velvet & Rimmel Kate Matte collection lipstick - 107
This is my FAVOURITE combination for this time of the year as deep reds are very on trend and suit my skin colour nicely. I love the matte finish of the Rimmel lipstick some days, but when I don't adding the lip butter makes it more glossy. I highly recommend these colour for people with dark hair and pale skin as I struggle to find reds which suit me.
3. Elf Stripple Brush - I got an idea of how to use this from a youtube channel and they suggested using it to apply bronzer which is what I have been using it for the past month. It applies it very lightly so you don't look muddy/orange and is perfect for creating a natural look. Also, it's so affordable so I recommend looking at elf and picking this up!
The three main fashion pieces I've been loving are my mom jeans, collared shirts under jumpers and tartan print items. Firstly, I've lived in my two pairs of mom jeans this month as the weather has got colder meaning I want to warm! Also, they go with anything and just make the outfit look slightly more edgy. Tying in with the theme of 'edgy' tartan is definitely a way to make your outfit look slightly different. It's a timeless print which will be big over the upcoming winter and I desperately want a tartan dress! Collared shirts and jumpers are my favourite for this time of the year as it's incorporating layers into your outfit whilst keeping you warm.
My favourite shoes this month have been cut out boots with tights, jeans, dresses or whatever I'm wearing I have lived in them! My red ones are from topshop, they're suede and look so nice with nearly everything I wear. My black ones I haven't won yet as I bought them from River Island yesterday, but I know I will wear them to death!
This month I've been listening to a lot of new albums and have found myself falling in love with many bands! If you want to listen to the song just click as I've linked it to a youtube video of it.
And of course if you know me, I'm obsessed with The Vamps and have been for around a year! Recently they brought out a single and reached no 2 in the charts which makes me so proud as when I first found them, they had around 10000 youtube subscribers so I recommend going to listen to them!