So I wanted to share with you my recent video, a Autumn Lookbook which I am particularly proud of as recently a lack of inspiration for videos has prevented me from making them. I would not usually share my videos on my blog, as I like to keep them separate, however as this video reflects my personal style perfectly I thought why not? These 4 outfits showcase my individual style which I would say is pretty different from the majority of 15 year olds, a collection of the 60s mashed with 90s grunge is what I like to call it. Sometimes I want to feel like a 25 year old dressed sophisticated yet then I realise I'm 15 and I should probably not wish that away. I try to find a balance between dressing my age and dressing how I want and generally it's 5% : 95%, I can live with that. If you would like to see my video then click here and you shall be taken right over! 

Lucy x