Our final day in Kefalonia was definitely the best and the perfect way to top off an amazing holiday. We booked a trip on the Sun Cruise which took us from the capital, Argostoli, and sailed around the coast stopping for swim stops at some amazing locations. We spent the morning sailing, snorkelling and chasing dolphins whilst taking in the beautiful scenery surrounding. At around 1 pm we parked up on a beautiful little beach and everyone joined in with a girls v boys game of beach volleyball which got a little competitive. We then got served one of the best meals I've ever had, chicken kebabs with greek salad and fresh bread, sounds so simple but it was so good. Sitting on a beach, with traditional food and people I didn't know was actually one of the best experiences of my life. Every moment on this trip was treasured. To top off the day, we all embarked on covering ourselves in a natural mud mask which to me felt like a product from lush and did leave my skin feeling so soft! I hope you've all enjoyed reading my posts from Kefalonia as it was such an amazing experience for me and I loved every second of it! I would highly recommend the sun cruise to anyone who visits, it was a perfect ending...
Lucy x