Top: Brandy Melville // Jacket: Vintage // Scarf: Vintage // Skirt: Forever 21 // Sunglasses: Topshop
There is something about the sunlight and shadows which really intrigues me, pictures seem the most raw with a natural shadow falling delicately over the shot...
Neck scarves, a trend I've seen worn so often by my favourite american bloggers yet it seems us English bloggers either take a while to catch onto these trends or simply want to make our own trends. I decided to pick one up as summer is approaching, which means festivals, which means I definitely need to start introducing my bohemian wardrobe back. In a strange kind of way this scarf screams 'cowgirl' so what better to pair it with than my beloved vintage cowboy jacket? I had to shoot whilst spinning carelessly in this fringed jacket as you've got to make the most of the tassels!
Photography is a huge passion of mine and I am all for capturing the most natural moments. The adaptation of light into shots intrigues me so much, the simple use of sunlight can be used to emphasise expression, feelings and emotion. It can hide you away into the shadows or place you right into the spotlight. When you really think about it, it is a strange thing. Just before the sun sets when it begins to simmer out, take the opportunity to capture the transition. The light and the dark, the shadow of the sun...
Lucy Jane