On Saturday 1st April 2017, I travelled to the city that I have dreamt about visiting for so long. Craving to ride the subway, hail a cab and see the infamous skyline that leaves you breathless at first sight, I went to New York City.
Central Park and antique art was what my first full day in NYC consisted of. Our plan was to wander round Central Park throughout the morning, head on to the MET museum and wander back to ready ourselves for the night. We took a right down Fifth Avenue, the street I can only describe as Oxford Street on steroids. The further down we went, the more designer shops appeared. Gucci, Prada, Chanel, YSL, the dream. It was my first day in NYC, how was I already being tempted by the pieces I could never afford? Their window displays were precise works of art and I was blown away. There is something comforting about being in awe of absolutely everything, I was in this dreamworld that I want as reality.
After a while the shops dispersed and before us appeared large boulders, green lawns and blossoming trees.
Welcome to Central Park!
The iconic photo opportunities passed with obvious instagrams being snapped, the further you ventured the more interesting it got. Luckily the sun was beating down that morning meaning we ambled along feeling relaxed as ever! When we reached the lake we decided to hop in the Boathouse Restaurant for Sunday Brunch which I highly recommend. Our first day had to be filled with waffles, pancakes and my favourite; french toast. With our view of The Lake, we watched as families and friends rowed around this pool of tranquility. A moment of peace in the city that never sleeps. When our food arrived I honestly felt like a dream had come true, nothing beats french toast and this was 100% the best french toast I have EVER eaten! Our brunch was as american as can be and we left feeling very full and very happy.
Our next stop was The MET museum which is famously known for hosting the ever so elegant event that is the MET Gala along with its huge collection of historic art. It felt so surreal standing in the same place that so many of my fashion icons have once stood. The never ending staircase that turns fantasy into reality on the first Monday in May, one day I hope to experience that.
We headed back through the western side of central park seeing the Great Lawn, Belvedere Castle and stumbling upon Strawberry Fields. It felt so peaceful sitting on a bench around the 'IMAGINE' monument, a man sat strumming The Beatles whilst people gathered round appreciating the exact same moment.
People walked by, people stopped but everyone seemed so so happy.
My first experience of New York was wonderful and magical to say the least. It all seemed so out of place, you were in nature unnaturally but it felt right.
Central Park and antique art is a day I will remember for a lifetime, if I could bottle up the joy, the happiness and the contentment I felt that day I would keep it and save it for my down days. I push myself back into that moment seeing the street performers singing or the street artists painting and remember everything can feel okay because that day, life felt perfect...
Lucy Jane