Hat - Kilo Sale // Cardigan - New Look // Pants - Primark // Jacket - Charity Shop // Belt - New Look // Bag - TK Maxx // Shoes- TK Maxx
It's been a while...
Helloooo to anyone still reading!
Firstly, I appreciate you a lot for sticking around and I hope you're all doing well.
Secondly, why have I neglected my blog?!?!?!?!
To answer that question I'd have to say it's because I haven't found the balance yet of work, friends and hobbies. I started working at the end of October and ever since then my life has been amazing but it's also been very hectic. I picked up an awful virus which meant that my first 4 weeks at work were a lot harder than they were supposed to be as my body was so sick, but I'm proud to say that I got up and got to work and battled through!
Now I'm fully recovered from this virus, I've been fitting in seeing family, friends and all kinds of festivities on the days off I've had and blogging just seemed to take a back seat.
For so long I haven't had a routine, I wasn't working, I wasn't in education and life went at my own pace. I had 100% control of my time and responsibilities and never had to find a balance because I had all the time in the world. Now that I'm working, time is a lot more precious to me and I've been struggling on how to find the perfect balance. Part of me wants to venture out and spend all the time my friends, part of me wants to go to the gym and exercise loads, part of me wants to get creative and get on with all my little projects but then there is a big part of me that just wants to be lazy and sit in bed and thats the part that needs to change!
Even though work can be tiring, it's given me a routine and having a routine seems to give me a lot more energy. I have something to get up and go for and it makes the days when I'm not working a lot more special, I just need to find my balance. I know that most of the time my motto is 'Work hard, Play harder' but in order to feel 100% content with my routine, I think I need to chill out a bit. My job is only temporary but who knows, the new year may bring new opportunities and I'm excited for things to come.
For now I'm going to be trying to get back into my groove and posting more content that I'm truely proud of!
Be excited...
Lucy Jane