Isn't just wonderful when your having a lovely walk, all excited to get the perfect blog shots, you pull out your camera and realise you've left the battery and memory card at home. It is the best feeling ever (please sense the sarcasm). These shots were taken on my trusty iPhone so the quality is not as flawless, but still pretty good! Snowy days are my favourite for walks and photos as I think it's fair to say, snow makes any scenery look pretty. I think it's just the crisp white back drop which seems to provide beautiful tones of light and dark which compliment an outfit very well. This is not my most 'stylish' ensemble yet dog walking outfits can never really be that stylish, I just wanted to showcase the scenery really. My parka is from Matalan, scarf Urban Outfitters and jeans Topshop and that is pretty much it. As much as I'm getting sick of winter, I do love it when it's a snowy old day...
Lucy x