Jacket: Vintage // Jumper: New Look // Shorts: Urban Outfitters // Belt: My Dads // Scarf: Primark /// Shoes: Topshop //
Bag: Urban Outfitters
Why have I never been to Liverpool?
My Mum and I are making our city adventures a common occurrence these days travelling to Chester, York and our most recent trip to Liverpool. All I keep asking myself is why have I never been to Liverpool? It is the perfect city for a shop around, a brisk walk and provides a pretty bold backdrop of contrasting architecture. I love it! I had the best time with my mum and really treasure our little days away, thank you Mum!
Despite the freezing cold breeze, I was definitely trying to embrace what little essence of summer I can bring into the winter weather. Rather than going for the typical black turtleneck, I opted for this bright navy blue one, how adventurous. I tried to bring the whole colour blocking trend back in my own subtle way yet some how I don't think contrasting blue and brown really prove that daring. As for the rest of my outfit, I wanted to be warm. I do love the cosy winter days of dressing in layers upon layers of jumpers but I am slightly over it now. I can't wait for the day I can step outside and think 'I'M NOT COLD!', a day which will probably never come #northernEnglandproblems.
Lucy Jane