Shirt: Charity Shop // Pinafore: Asos // Jacket: Zara // Choker: Forever 21 // Shoes: Doc Martin // Socks: Topshop
An essence of 5 year old with a hint of Grandma thrown in there, the epitemy of this outfit. Sometimes I wonder what possesses me to wear such combinations yet I can't help but say, I love my style!
My pale blue Docs are the most beautiful purchase I have made in a long time. Although they resemble the classic primary school shoe, I am all about that vibe. A white shirt and blue pinafore really does throw me back to my childhood, yet part of me hopes the combination is slightly more appealing now. The contrasting denim on this pinafore still pleases me so much, it always looks so unique with shirts, polo necks or jumpers.
I strolled round the streets of Leeds shopping around with my mother thinking 'I wonder what level of maturity these people perceive me as having?'
Maturity is a weird one because how do we actually judge it? I would say it's an important trait to have if needed, but having it all the time is pretty overrated. Having a hint of immaturity keeps the child-like spark of imagination and creation, something which keeps life fun and interesting. I mean if we're judging by this outfit, I can't do immaturity in small doses...
Lucy Jane x