Jacket: H&M // Top: Vintage // Pants: Forever 21 // Socks: Primark // Shoes: M&S Alexa Chung
We all know the 'oops' moments. The feeling of something not quite going right yet you do absolutely nothing to prevent it.
Life is trial and error but I hate the oops moments.
I spent a week away from civilisation without comprehending when I return I actually have responsibilities, my Duke of Edinburgh week definitely provided me with a little escapism even though it was to fields filled with sheep, cows and stubborn horses. Arriving back into reality came as a shock.
Uni, future, jobs, the rest of your life.
I find comfort in the escapisms because my mind is ticking tirelessly around thinking about all of the above, I don't want a recipe for my future.
I wore a Harley Davidson biker tee with glittery socks, abolishing all edginess this vintage tee provides. You could argue the ripped hem on my culottes show a slight edge, but lets be honest who could ever take the 5 year old out of Lucy Jane?
Lucy Jane