Top: Vintage // Pinafore: New Look // Choker: Homemade
I often ignore my creative side when I'm off for summer, I have endless days filled with the possibility to create and make but I end up lacking motivation for ideas. However, through an online course I am completing, Parsons X Teen Vogue certificate in fashion industry essentials, it has given me more opportunities to explore my creativity to a wider spectrum.
'Golden Girl' the title of my choker, my task was to produce an accessory and take into consideration production costs, retail prices and wholesale numbers.
Here is what I learnt explained...
Original production cost:
£3.80 - Materials
£5.30 - Wage (1 hours work)
Total cost - £9.20
To make a 25%, retail cost - £12
After chatting to my friends about they're opinions of the value of my choker, the majority said they would pay around the £8-£10 mark for an accessory such as this. However, when wholesale buyers come into the picture reducing costs is necessary, so here is what I learnt about that...
Wholesale production cost:
£2.30 - Materials
£2.65 - Wage (30 mins work)
Total cost - £4.95
To make 25% profit, wholesale cost - £6.50
As well as expanding my creative outlook, I am learning so much about the behind the scenes of the fashion industry. From production, to design, to online marketing this course is filled with so much helpful information that's pushing me even more into the world of fashion.
Lucy Jane