Being beaten in a sweaty crowd probably doesn't sound too appealing to you. The constant elbows smashing your body along with the endless cans of beer, cider and wee being lobbed over your head, sounds inviting don't you think?
Regardless of what you think, Y Not festival consisted of all these and more, I can honestly say it was one of the best weekends of my life.
Music festivals are a favourite of mine, the people, the music and the atmosphere never fail to make me 100% happy. I could wander round the tents all day bobbing around to whatever music I hear, dancing and singing and not having a single care.
Every morning I'd wake up, pop my head out the tent and be so ready. Knowing you're seeing Eliza and The Bear, Catfish, Sundara Karma, Circa Waves and Noel Gallagher all in one day definitely motivates you to get out of bed! Although Y Not is consider a 'medium-sized' festival, its line up this year was A M A Z I N G. I can't say any performances were a disappointment but the stand outs for me were Madness, Noel Gallagher, Inheaven, Circa Waves, The Tin Pigeons and obviously my favourites Sundara Karma.
Hearing Oasis classics live is an experience I'll never forget, standing in a crowd surrounded by people singing along to every word is unexplainable, you had to be there to understand how special it felt.
Other than the music, my second favourite thing about Y Not was the glitter. A slightly drunk Lucy decided an all over glitter look would be perfect for the Sunday night, I'll tell you now glueing glitter in your hair is never going to be easy to get out!
So the next festival for me is Leeds which is going to be mental.
Let me know what festivals you have been to or where you'd like to go!
I highly encourage everyone to experience the festival atmosphere because you are certainly missing out if you don't!
Lucy Jane