Paisley days, the bright and bold ones.
The ones that jump out at you, making you think 'oh my gosh'.
Not necessarily a literary term for it, yet 'paisley days' seems to sum it up.
Recently, life has been flowing at a pace I'm unable to compete with, leaving me rather stressed, tired and dreary. I live for the exciting times and begin to neglect my every day life, the part that really matters. It is hard to visualise a pathway for the future. Trying to set yourself in the now when everyone is constantly wanting the future is not an easy task.
I put myself in a predicament, worrying what if it doesn't work but really who knows whats around the corner. Right now I have sent off my UCAS application, applying for fashion marketing and praying I get the offers. I dream of London, the city life with creativity in every corner. I know where I want to be next year, but what about tomorrow?
I can only decide tomorrow from today.
Do you live for the moment or live for your life?
How do you get it?
Lucy Jane