Just as you hit those tiny arrows at the top of your browser, I feel like my life needs a refresh. To reload, re-process and re-approach the things I do.
I want to adjust my vision and really focus on what things are important to me because there is so much in the world that interests and excites me.
I want to help promote change and be a voice that gets listened to.
I want to learn about issues, learn about cultures, simply learn more about life and ask questions.
I want to get my brain ticking again, ready to be the best it can be.
I want a refresh and rethink of the person that is me.
To be blatantly honest with you all, I used to look at myself as a very deep, intellectual human with a lot of opinions and a lot of knowledge and now I think I'm pretty boring, bland and have lost so much substance. I miss being in education more than words can ever express. I know I could easily pick up a book about politics, research the world I live in or start a project on a certain subject but the truth is I've become so lazy.
When you're in education, you're given topics to learn about. Whether you like it or not you spend your days constantly expanding your knowledge about so many different things and keeping your mind busy and occupied.
When you aren't in education, you aren't given anything to learn, you have to do it yourself.
I thought I was quite a pro-active independent learner but a year away from education has certainly taught me otherwise. I used to use my spare time to do things I loved like creating forms of art, researching the fashion industry and finding exotic places I want to travel to whereas now my whole life feels like spare time and it's overwhelming rather than enjoyable.
I want a refresh because I feel me, myself and everything that I say, share, write, like, follow, know and do needs to hold more substance.
I'm going to start with this space, my blog, and view it more of an outlet for my voice to be heard on certain topics and to promote what I believe in but also the things I love (sustainable fashion).
I'm not a typical fashion blogger and I never will be.
I have too many thoughts, opinions and feelings to maintain that steady persona...
Lucy Jane