Charity Shop Bopping my way back into the blogging world and hoping you're all happy about it!
#CharityShopBop is something I've done for years on my blog, it's my own little way of trying to make a tiny difference in the world by inspiring you all to shop more consciously as we all know how damaging the fashion industry has become.
Fast fashion is now the second largest polluter in the world. Every year we create over 80 billion articles of clothing which is a ridiculous amount to even fathom. With 95% of it being recyclable and 100% being reusable, why let it become waste?
So my Charity Shop Bops are here to make you stop, think and inspire you to make a small change which will equate to a big difference!
So get #CharityShopBoppin and let me see what you find...
Dress: Oxfam // Jacket: British Heart Foundation //
Growing up one of the most exciting things about Christmas was getting an outfit; one for the school disco, one for Christmas day and probably another because I was indecisive and thought I needed everything. Saving those special pieces felt so exciting, the presents were simply a bonus on Christmas day, all I was excited for was to wear my new outfit!
Now I'm older and I hate to say it, an adult, I get so consumed by the rest of Christmas that my tradition of buying something special has been lost but this year we're gonna rediscover it...
If you can't be the glitziest, glam gal at Christmas then when can you be?
I think of glitter, reds, silks, velvets and all the luxurious things in life when it comes to tackling the Christmas Disco outfit. You want comfort but to impress at the same time, so a cute silky slip is definitely the answer. Head to the nightwear section of the next Charity Shop you're in and I bet you'll find a lovely slip just like this one!
My textured leopard print trench coat is one of my favourite Charity Shop finds of this year. It was a bit pricey at £14.99 but it's probably the chicest item of clothing I own, every time I wrap it around me I feel so much more important!
I adore the long line silhouettes of both the jacket against the dress, something about it feels so sophisticated yet fun, the perfect combo to dance around the Christmas Disco...
Lucy Jane
I think of glitter, reds, silks, velvets and all the luxurious things in life when it comes to tackling the Christmas Disco outfit. You want comfort but to impress at the same time, so a cute silky slip is definitely the answer. Head to the nightwear section of the next Charity Shop you're in and I bet you'll find a lovely slip just like this one!
My textured leopard print trench coat is one of my favourite Charity Shop finds of this year. It was a bit pricey at £14.99 but it's probably the chicest item of clothing I own, every time I wrap it around me I feel so much more important!
I adore the long line silhouettes of both the jacket against the dress, something about it feels so sophisticated yet fun, the perfect combo to dance around the Christmas Disco...
Lucy Jane