If you're a creative looking for a breath of fresh air then you're in exactly the right place!
WIDTH Magazine (@widthmagazine) is an independent Zine curated by the ever so talented @hollystimpsonn.
WIDTH is fashion, art, culture, pushing boundaries you're too scared to push and a place where people can well and truly express who they are.
I got the chance to interview the angel that is Holly to find out about her ideas, inspiration and what to expect from Issue 1!
(Out Jan 2021)
Hi Holly, so I'm going to start of a bit different, if WIDTH mag were a colour, which colour would you pick and why?
Hellooo, so every WIDTH issue will have its own colour palette and extremely specific aesthetic.
Over time the collection as a whole will explore all corners of the creative industry and introduce readers to something new and different every time.
Issue 1 is heavily inspired by spring GUCCI couture so I'm gonna say PINK!
Ooo yes, I love that almost as if every issue is it's own piece of art in itself!
WIDTH is a very unique name, what gave you the idea?
I've loved art and people's creations for years yet the ones that always stood out to me are artists that play with visual reality and go beyond what the eye can see.
I wanted to bring that into my work by making all my imagery and visuals slightly incorrect or off balance, then the word width came to me!
I'm guessing that's the vibe you're wanting to portray through WIDTH, breaking boundaries and playing with reality?
Yeah absolutely! I want the readers to be introduced to new ideas, concepts and creative possibilities, every width possible!
Fab, I'm all for inspiring others! With issue 1 slowly coming to life, what should we all expect?
100% lots of insanely talented artist features, plenty of articles, focuses on well being, beauty , fashion as well as academic features. An array of great independent businesses and some fab visual content that brings couture and streetwear together tastefully!
Sounds like a dream! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it and being involved!
Along with the strong creative influence, are there any social issues you want to cover through the mag?
Absolutely! I want to always support movements and social changes where possible, WIDTH will never fail to bring equality to the table. Anyone who would like their voice heard is more than welcome to participate and share what needs to be heard.
Love that, I think we all need to have that mindset these days.
If someone were to ask you why they should follow and support WIDTH, what would you say?
If they want to explore the endless possibilities within art, fashion, beauty and culture, this is for you.
On the surface it may be seen as just a 'fashion magazine' but it's truly about uplifting one another and discovering new and innovative ways to be creative!
YES! That's what we all need, especially in hard times like these.
Thank you so much Holly for answering the questions, I can't wait to read the issue and be in the issue!
Final question because I love this question, if WIDTH had a playlist what would be the top karaoke song?
Oooooff, that is an interesting one!
I'd probably say Xtina - Can't Hold Us Down because creatives are constantly pushed to the side yet in a world that is completely run by media...you can't live without us!!
And that is so so true, in this world you really can not live without creatives!
WIDTH magazine represents everything I believe in and love which is why I can't wait for it.
In a world that is always trying to hold us back, we need a place to break boundaries, challenge the norms and collaborate with like minded individuals to make real art!
Holly has given us that with WIDTH magazine and I truly can't wait to see where the world takes WIDTH...
Give them a follow on insta to show some support!!! - @widthmagazine
Lucy Jane