Helloooo everyone! It feels like a while since I sat down and actually wrote a blog post but honestly, life has been busy as I've been making the most of the last weeks of summer and the final weeks of having my friends at home (SO SAD :( ). Nevertheless, I am back and ready to kick off A/W season on my blog with a little 1970's Autumn inspiration post to get all my creative styling juices flowing! The 6 trends I've chosen can all be seen on the high street but I wanted to take my inspo from some vintage looks as you all know I love to do things a little differently...
Checked Suits
Tartan, checks, plaid...whatever you want to call it, it's here and it's staying!
Now the checked print itself is something which always appears around A/W time, our shops are lined with a million tartan scarves and and matching hats but this year I'm loving the vibe of checked suits. A suit should be a classic piece in anyones wardrobe, male or female as there is always an occasion for it! A checked suit is the perfect way to spice up a wardrobe staple.
I loooooove the slightly controversial colours in the images above as who would put bright pinks, oranges, yellows and greens together for an Autumn look?
Well I certainly would!
Topshop have been on top of this trend for a while now, they have a few matching sets of either pants or skirts which I have fallen in love with but my ultimate Autumn goal is to find a vintage matching suit.
Faux Fur
Yes I do realise that the fur used in the images above may not be faux fur but real fur should never be a trend, it's all about the faux fur!
Faux fur coats, bags, hats, scarves, basically all things warm and snuggly are what I can't wait for. As the days get colder it's only human to want to wrap up and I always think of faux fur as the most glamorous way to stay warm in the Winter. A few years ago I splurged on my Alexa Chung x M&S faux fur jacket and it was the best decision I've ever made. If you're off on a fancy night out or even to a gig, grab your faux fur coat and you will look expensive and oh so glamourous...
One of my favourite faux fur brands is Jakke and I am determined to buy one of their jackets this year. They do the classic animal print jackets but also make the most beautiful patterned jackets and I am in love with them all!
Midi Length
You know you've hit maturity when you're loving the midi length...
This summer I've lived in skirts or dresses and I won't lie, I've loved not having to wear trousers. I'd been thinking of how I could possibly get away with living in skirts for the next few months without freezing to death and my solution was the incredible midi skirt/dress. You can layer them with jumpers and add some high rise boots and you're all wrapped up for the chilly days!
I'd love to find a checked midi skirt in the charity shops or even a longer line coat, it's a style I've always strayed away from but this year I'm feeling it.
Animal Prints
Let's be honest, this should really be number one on my list!
If you follow my Instagram or know me in real life, you'll know that I have adored my animal prints for a good few years and it's not stopping any time soon. I adore the fact the shops are filled with my favourite patterns but it also makes me slightly sad because it's not my little love anymore. Animal prints are timeless and the perfect way to stand out.
My wardrobe is already filled to the brim with printed pieces but I'd love to pick up a vintage printed coat to add to my collection!
Cord clothes
Whenever I think of cord my mind either flashes to the 1970s or to visions of my Mum forcing me in cord jeans as a little girl and me protesting, sorry Mum...
Cord was something I used to completely hate growing up, I linked it to my Mum because whenever she was cold she'd wear black cord jeans and I won't lie, as a child I hated them (sorry Mum). Now I am a changed woman and appreciate the many wonders of Cord. It's the perfect warm fabric for this season and can be worn in so many styles. Recently I've been loving cord suits, wide leg pants and the cutest little pinafores which all just scream complete 70s vibes to me. The jeans of dreams are definitely those bright pink ones in the pictures above but unfortunately I don't think I'll stumble across those anytime soon.
I'm on the hunt for a cord dress or jumpsuit as the perfect transitional piece!
Jumping onto my final choice, I have chosen jumpsuits!
My Instagram explore page has been filled with boiler suits and jumpsuits and I can't say I'm complaining about it. Tucked away in my wardrobe I have a few pieces perfect for this trend that will be featured very soon on my blog. However, it feels like the rest of the world is leaning towards the casual boiler suit vibe, whereas I'm feeling going all out with disco jumpsuits and glittered platform shoes!
I try to do the cool, calm and collected style but honestly, it's just not me!
I am on the hunt for a brightly colour boiler suit which I could layer with high neck jumpers underneath and a chunky pairs of boots, I'll keep my eyes peeled...
So there is my A/W18 style inspiration and I hope you enjoyed taking a blast from the past to inspire my future! As much as I love the whole 'new trends/styles' one of my favourite things to do is take my inspiration from the past rather than the present as their looks were so much more authentic and less commercialised.
Let me know what your staple A/W18 pieces are going to be and share your style inspiration with me!
Lucy Jane