Hello everyone, I hope your 2019 is treating you well so far and that you're all living your fullest and best lives! I'm certainly trying to and in doing so decided that Infinity of Fashion needs a little shake up of ideas. The new year always brings new opportunities, you'll push boundaries you never thought you could and experience new amazing things.
With that in mind I thought to myself...
'Why don't you challenge yourself Lucy? Push the fashion boundaries and try new things!!'
So that's exactly what I'm doing!
As you may know Charity Shop Bop is a series on my blog that promotes a different way of looking at fashion, it shows the endless ways second hand clothing hand can be worn along with promoting a more sustainable, cheaper and conscious way of shopping. I've decided at the start of every month I'm going to venture into a...
My aim is with a limit of £5, each month I want to find a second hand piece of clothing that is unlike anything else I own and style it up as a #CharityShopBop with a fully second hand outfit. I want to push myself to experiment with different looks and predict what styles and trends are going to hit the high street soon!
I'm sure you understand the concept as it's pretty simple, basically Lucy gets to go styling crazy and live all her weird and wonderful fashion dreams...ENJOY!
For my CHARITY SHOP CHALLENGE NO 1 the lucky contestant was a beautiful Granddad style blue and white knitted vest which is the most adorable piece ever. I picked this up last week when I was rummaging through the Kilo sale next to Blue Rinse Vintage in Manchester. If you aren't aware of Kilo Sales, basically 1 kilo of clothes = £15 and I ended up with around 5 items so all together it cost me around £3. Now it isn't really an item I'd usually reach for...
1. I never wear vests
2. It gives off that war time vintage feel which is a look I've never quite mastered
but I gave it a go and styled it up!
All white outfits have been a go to for me recently, I think it's me subconsciously rebelling against the overload of black that's been in stores over Christmas time. My lace top is another Kilo sale purchase whereas my jeans are Lee jeans I found in a Charity Shop for £2, they fit like a glove and have a quite androgynous silhouette which I really like . Wearing all one colour creates a blank canvas meaning you have limitless ways of bringing layers together and styling up a masterpiece!
I then started layering, adding my vest along with this incredible suede navy blue jacket. I bought this jacket for only £7 which is unbelievable to me as it's such a well made, heavy duty piece but I'm not complaining! The shoes and accessories are sadly not Charity Shop finds but I'm pretty sure you'd be able to pick up a dainty gold necklace and a black chunky belt easily if you were wanting second hand.
My verdict of my first CHARITY SHOP CHALLENGE is pretty good I must say!
The final outfit is something I'd wear and is definitely representative of my individual style, it's vintage, delicate but also has that grunge, hardcore feel to it.
I'm saying it now and you can come and thank me later when I'm right, but I 100% think vests are going to blow up in 2019. This particular vest is giving me more of a Chanel/Gucci vintage vibe as the cute Granddad patterned knit is definitely a staple in their collections however, utility vests have been seen in Off-White and Louis Vuitton collections. The utility vest is a more futuristic approach which I think will whittle it's way down to the high streets very soon and be a massive trend!
Watch this space!
Lucy Jane